Keywords Index

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:: - - [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: . The Effectiveness of Training Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy on Social Anxiety Disorder among First High School Female Students [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: ADHD Severity of personality disorder symptom in parents of children with autistic disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal control [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: ADHD Effectiveness of neuro feedback on reducing dyslexia and dictation disorder symptoms in students with ADHD [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Abnormal Personality Traits. Develop a Model of Perfectionism for Abnormal Personality Traits [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Academic Achievement To compare the rate of students’ IQ of different courses at Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences and it’s related to their academic achievement [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Academic procrastination. The relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder and academic procrastination and the mediating role of cognitive avoidance [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: Academic resilience Investigating the effect of teaching selfreguleted-metacognitive strategies on resilience components (with intractive role academic Self-Concep) [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Acceptance and commitment therapy The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on cognitive flexibility, rumination, and distress tolerance in persons with Migraine headache [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Acceptance and commitment therapy The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on sleep quality and quality of life of patients with cardiovascular problems [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Adaptation Validation of the Parenting Stress Index (PSI) among mothers of Preschool children in Tehran [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Addiction The effectiveness of group cognitive behavioral therapy on continence: in addicts who reoffered to Tehran centers residence of addiction treatment [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Adolescence Prevalence and functions of self-harming behaviors in adolescents in Sanandaj [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Adolescents The Role of Theory of Mind, Episodic Future Thinking and Creativity in Predicting the Event-based and time-based Prospective Memory of the Adolescents [Volume 5, Number 6]
:: Adolescents Prediction of body deformity disorder based on personality traits and cognitive distortions with the mediating role of emotion regulation difficulty in female students [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: Adolescents The role of Moral disengagement and anxiety sensitivity in predicting the tendency to alcohol in adolescents [Volume 5, Number 6]
:: Adolescents Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Based on Mental Imagery on Symptoms of Depression and Autobiographical Memory in Adolescents [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Adolescents The model of structural relationships of the role of parenting styles and intolerance of uncertainty in internet addiction tendency with the mediation of experiential avoidance in adolescents [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Age The effect of gender and age on the accuracy of time estimation [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Age A comparative investigation of emotion regulation patterns in different decades of age [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Aggression Development of early intervention program based on cognitive- behavioral theory for divorced children with emotional- behavioral disorders and its effectiveness in aggression of divorced children [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Alcohol drinking Investigation of the relationship between substance abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking and attempted suicide in children and adolescents [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: Alexithymia Association of perceived stress, social support and self-esteem with disordered eating due to Alexithymia [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Alexithymia Modeling the structural relationships of internet addiction based on executive functions and problems interpersonal: the mediating role of Alexithymia [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Alzheimer type dementia Functional cognitive impairment: A new concept in neuropsychiatry [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Ambivalence Predicting Obsessive Symptoms on the Bases of Metacognitive Beliefs, Responsibility and Latent Aggression [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Anger rumination A path analysis of the effects of emotional temperaments on symptoms of conduct disorder in adolescents: An investigation of the mediating role of anger rumination [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Anxiety Comparison the Autobiographical memory specificity and over generality in women with depression, anxiety and healthy [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Anxiety "I just want to be certain": psychometric properties and predictive role of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale-12 [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Anxiety The relationship between education level and occupation of parents of students with internet dependency, depression and anxiety in Sanandaj [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Anxiety The effectiveness of emotional schema therapy on the intolerance of uncertainty and the difficulty of emotion regulation in people suffering from comorbid depression and anxiety [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Anxiety The effectiveness of mood regulation skills training on the anxiety and irritability of students with disruptive mood disregulation disorder [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Anxiety Symptoms Comparison of Episodic Future Thinking in Individuals with Depression and Anxiety Symptoms and Normal Individuals [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Athlete burnout Evaluation of athlete burnout among elite coaches and its relationship with mental health [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Athletes Investigating the psychological effects of new equipment and technologies on professional athletes [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Athletic performance The effect of PETTLEP and traditional mental imagery on handball triple shooting in novice and professional adolescent handball players [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: Athletic performance Effectiveness of mindfulness sport performance enhancement (MSPE) on attention, planning and sport performance of elite Judoka [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Attention Investigating the Structural Relationships between Cognitive and Metacognitive Dimensions with Physical Performance among Children [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Impact of video game Minecraft on the cognitive flexibility of ADHD athletes student [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) The effectiveness of brain-based mathematics teaching on academic procrastination, comprehension, and learning rate of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder The effectiveness of computerized training of visual-motor skills on visual- motor skills children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Effectiveness of tricks for cognitive management of children (TAMESHK) on behavioral dimensions of executive functions in children at risk for ADHD symptoms [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder The relationship between birth order and frequency of criminal record with stress and attention deficit / hyperactivity symptoms in thieves [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder The effectiveness of balance training on static balance and selective attention of children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Comparing the Effectiveness of Computerized Cognitive Rehabilitation and Practical Neuropsychological Exercises on Working Memory and Clinical Symptoms of Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Authentic personality The structural relationship of meaning in life, personal growth initiative, life orientation and wisdom with authentic personality in students [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Autism Comparing the Effectiveness of Joint Attention Training and Logotherapy on Primary Social Relations, Anxiety and Executive Functions of Children with Autism Spectrum [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Autism spectrum traits The relationship between experiential avoidance and autism spectrum traits with hoarding behaviors with mediating role of saving cognitions [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Autism students Investigating the effectiveness of behavioral therapy tactics training in improving and increasing social communication and social interaction in students [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy The Effectiveness of Treatment Based on Acceptance and Commitment to Improving Psychological Well-Being of Transsexual Individuals Esfahan [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Behavioral Comparison of physical and psychological symptoms of somatic symptom disorder (cognitive, affective and behavioral) in women and men with somatic symptom disorder [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Behavioral disorders The effect of progressive exercise therapy and combination self-modeling on behavioral disorders in children with intellectual disability [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Behavioral inhibition Structural model for predicting marital satisfaction in young couples based on behavioral activation/ inhibition systems; the mediating role of attachment styles [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Behavioral key Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation after medication on brain function and behavioral symptoms of children with ADHD in Ahwaz [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Behavioral regulation Investigating the structural relationships of self-efficacy, body image and mindfulness with behavioral regulation in students [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Bilingual The relationship between self-regulated learning and metacognitive strategies of reading and problems of learning in second language among bilingual students (Fitting a structural model) [Volume 5, Number 5]
:: Bilingualism Compare verbal working memory and inhibitory function of frontal lobe in bilingual and monolingual [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Bipolar disorder Testing the cognitive function model of patients with bipolar disorder in relation to traumatic experiences in childhood by the mediating role of affective lability emotion and expressed emotion [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Bipolar disorder Comparison of physical health and thought-action fusion in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder and normal [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Bipolar disorder The effect of psycho-educational intervention on improving ego imparement, human representation and indicators in patients with bipolar disorder [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Bipolar disorder-I The efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT + TAU) on reducing type-I Bipolar disorder symptoms [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Body Mass Index Investigating the Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Guilt and Shame Questionnaire (GSQ-8) [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Body dysmorphic disorder The effectiveness of cognitive- behavioral based art therapy approach on the self-concept, body image in adolescent girls with body dysmorphic disorder in Ahvaz city [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Body image The role of experimental avoidance, emotional regulation difficulties, and body image concern in predicting the probability of suicide among adolescent girls [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Body image The relationship between experimental avoidance with body image concern in predicting positive tendency to cosmetic surgery [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Borderline Personality Disorders The role of brain activation and inhibition systems on self- Destructive behaviors with the mediating role of emotional dysregulation in teenage girls with borderline personality [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Borderline personality disorder Comparison of the effectiveness of individual schema therapy with and without supportive therapy in reducing the symptoms of patients with borderline personality disorder [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Brain-behavioral systems The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Dimensions of Emotional Reactivity and Brain-Behavioral Systems in Individuals Prone to Extramarital Relationships [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: Breast cancer Evaluation of the effectiveness of group schema therapy on death anxiety and emotional disturbance in patients with breast cancer in Shiraz [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Brief review Self-compassion: conceptualization, research, and interventions (Brief review) [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Broader autism phenotype Executive functions in parents of children with and without autism spectrum disorder [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Bulimia nervosa The effect of reality therapy on emotion regulation and happiness in girls with bulimia nervosa [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: COVID-19 Letter to the editor Unfinished grieves of COVID-19 [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: COVID-19 Correlation of personality traits and cognitive emotion regulation strategies with health anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: COVID-19 Predict psychological vulnerability based on the pathological personality traits and uncertainty intolerance of COVID-19 ward nurses [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: COVID-19 Pandemic Investigating the relationship between socio-economic status, eating behavior and physical activity of students in Qazvin during COVID-19 pandemic [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Cancer Prediction of death anxiety based on emotional self-regulation and self-efficacy in cancer patients [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Cancer Predicting pain catastrophizing based on psychological resilience and mindfulness in patients with cancer: mediating role of positive emotions [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Cardiovascular Problems The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Self-Compassion and Distress Tolerance in Women with Cardiovascular Diseases [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: Cardiovascular diseases The effectiveness of mindful self-compassion treatment on sleep quality, rumination and self-compassion in people with cardiovascular disease [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Catarria Laughter Therapy (Laughter Yoga) Comparison of the effectiveness of play therapy and laughter therapy in Catarria (laughter yoga) on generalized anxiety in children aged 6-12 years [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Child The effectiveness of psychodrama techniques in improving the moral development of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Child The effectiveness of neurofeedback in reducing attention deficit and aggression in children aged 7-9 years [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Child The effect of eight weeks of central stability exercises on sensory-motor development of children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Child abuse The role of cognitive fusion, distress tolerance and self-compassion in post traumatic growth of abused individuals in their childhood [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Child and adolescent Investigating the prevalence of depression in children and adolescents with cancer admitted to the oncology ward of Besat Hospital in Sanandaj [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Children Comparison of serum vitamin D levels among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and healthy children [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Children of divorce Comparison of Processing Speed, Selective Attention, Planning, and Alexithymia between Children of Divorce and Normal Children [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: Children with hyperactivity disorder Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation after drug therapy on brain function and behavioral symptoms of children with ADHD in Ahvaz [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Children with intellectual disability The effect environmental approach (affordances) approach to the attention and memory of children with mental disorders [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Children. The Effect of Virtual Reality Motor Games Interventions in Reducing the Symptoms of Attention Deficit and Impulsivity in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Chronic depression The relationship of self-compassion and rumination in prediction of chronic depression [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: Chronological types Comparison of suicidal thoughts and stress levels among depressed students with morning and evening types [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Cinema therapy The effectiveness of schema therapy and cinema therapy in improving early maladaptive schemas and harm avoidance temperament in people with an avoidant personality disorder: A single case study [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Classification Comparing the discrepancy between mutual information of electroencephalogram electrodes in schizophrenia: a classification problem [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Cognition The effects of movement on retrieval of emotional memory: an experiment on embodied cognition [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Cognition Effectiveness of physical exercise on the growth of the Psycho- motor skills in children with learning disorder [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Cognitive behavioral therapy The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on behavioral inhibition and self-efficacy in children with specific learning disorders [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Cognitive decisions The effect of a course mindfulness exercises on working memory indexes in adolescents [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Cognitive effort Effect of easy and difficult goals on self-efficacy and memory performance in young and elderly people: challenges for the cognitive effort hypothesis [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Cognitive emotion regulation strategies The effectiveness of training the Shoenaker's self-encouragement based on the Adler's theory on cognitive emotion regulation strategies among the women-headed households [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Cognitive restructuring The Role of problem-solving skill training and cognitive restructuring on cognitive emotion regulation strategies, and family functioning in infertile women. [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Cognitive therapy The effect of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on mindfulness and quality of life for patients with asthma [Volume 5, Number 5]
:: Cognitive- Analysis Psychotherapy Effectiveness of Cognitive- Analysis Psychotherapy in reducing impulsivity of Men with Borderline Personality Disorder [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Cognitive-motor component The effect of watching models of teaching physical activity on cognitive-motor components and physical competence among children [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Communication skills A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy on improving emotional regulation and communication skills of adolescents with oppositional defiant disorder [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Comperhensive system Exner Compare the results of the Rorschach test cognitive variables in patient with Gender Dysphoria disorder and non patient [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Confirmatory factor analysis The investigation of psychometric properties of Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS) [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Conformity orientation The effectiveness of communication skills training on intra family communicative patterns the junior male students of high school Ahar city [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Confrontational Fields. The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Sport Orientation of Higher Athletes Males in Confrontational Sports [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Conscientiousness Relationship between personality traits and psychological characteristic of achievement motivation in girl's students [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Conscientiousness Study of life satisfaction among students of University of Mazandaran and its relationship with personality dimensions [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Consultant professors The rate of lectures attitude towards academic counseling and its related factors at Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences in 2016 [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Consumer behavior Relationship between psychological and personality traits with consumer behavior factors [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Convulsions The effectiveness of mindfulness intervention based on stress reduction on quality of life and the number of seizure attacks in patients with epilepsy [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Coping with stress The Effect of Psychological First Aid in Improving Multidimentional Pain Sympotems and the Way of Coping with Stress on Women Suffering M.S [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Coronary heart diseases The study of the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on depression and C-reactive protein in cardiac patients [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Cosmetic Surgery The Big 5 and Body Image in Cosmetic Surgery Applicants in Esfahan [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Cosmetic surgery. The mediating role of cognitive fusion in the relationship between body dysmorphic disorder and cognitive avoidance: A study on cosmetic surgery applicants [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Covid -19 Prevalence of Stress, anxiety, depression in Students of Sanandaj in the epidemic of Covid-19 virus in 2022 [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Covid-19 The effectiveness of detached mindfulness on perceived stress and sleep quality in patients with COVID-19 [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Covid-19 Disease The Impact of Mindfulness Therapy on Stress and Anxiety in Patients with Covid-19 [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: Covid-19 outbreak The role of experiential avoidance with the mediation of distress tolerance in predicting corona anxiety in the period of covid-19 outbreak: structural equation model [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Creativity Prediction of Creativity based on Students' Brain Executive Function [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Curriculum Designing a cognitive- social model of curriculum based on online education during the Covid-19 pandemic in children [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Decision-making accuracy The relationship between mental toughness with decision-making accuracy: The mediating role of gender [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Demographic variables The relationships between self-esteem, demographic variables, psychiatric diagnosis and Frequency of hospitalization with mental illness stigma in psychiatric patients [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Depression The Effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on positive affect, psychological flexibility and mind-awareness components of people With depression symptoms [Volume 5, Number 5]
:: Depression. predict symptoms of depression based on cognitive flexibility, rumination and mindfulness in students [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Detoxification Examining the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Treatment on Reducing Pain in Male Patients under Morphine Detoxification phase [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Dialysis Comparison of the effectiveness of treatment based on acceptance and commitment and cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on spiritual health and blood pressure of hemodialysis patients in Gorgan [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Disabilities Prevalence of social networks uses in disable̛ s and its effect on there mental health [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Distress tolerance The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on distress tolerance and the severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: Distress tolerance Relationship between personality traits and coping styles with distress tolerance during coronavirus outbreak [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Divandareh Frequency of psychological disorders symptoms and their effects on high school students in Divandareh city in 2018 [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Divorce Comparatively, interpret the family drawings test for normal and divorced children as well as orphans and abandoned (9 to 14 years old) with an emphasis on the study of anxiety, depression, and aggression [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Divorce The effectiveness of couple therapy based on emotional intelligence components on reducing marital conflicts and increasing adjustment of divorce applicant couples [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Divorced women The Effectiveness of Self-Compassion Training on the Loneliness and resilience destitute women [Volume 5, Number 6]
:: Divorced women The effectiveness of emotion regulation training on promoting mental health and rumination of divorce women [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Divorced women Effect of expressive writing Pattern on the decreasing of rumination, depression and stress in divorced women [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Down syndrome Behavioral and psychological symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in adults with Down syndrome: a comparative study [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Down syndrome The effectiveness of family-centered sensory motor empowerment program on intellectual capacity of students with Down syndrome [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Drug abuse The effectiveness of life skills training on the psychological well-being of people with drug abuse [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Drug addiction Comparing the effectiveness of treatment based on acceptance and commitment and mindfulness therapy on chronic pain in people with drug addiction [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Drugs Standardization of the Rorschach Test among drug addicted people [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Dyscalculia Effict of cognitive-computer software on executive functioning skills and quantitative reasoning of 7-12-year-old children with Dyscalculia [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Dyscalculia The effect of cognitive games on cognitive flexibility in children with mathematical disorders [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Early Maladaptive Schemas Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Modification Early Maladaptive Schemas patient With resistent Obsessive-Compulsion Disorder [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Early maladaptive schemas Prediction of neuroticism based on attachment styles and early maladaptive schemas in clients of counseling centers in the City of Qom [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Educational self-efficacy The impact of group education on students' grit and educational self-efficacy based on Snyder’s hope theory [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Elderly Evaluation and comparison of executive functions and false memory in the elderly [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Elderly Efficacy of cognitive attentional focus instructions and training schedule on cognitive performance in elderly men [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Electroconvulsive therapy Mortality and Morbidity Rate among ECT Patients; A Report from an Academic Hospital [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Emotion Presenting a Structural Model of Online Gaming Addiction based on Social Rejection and Cognitive Ability with the Mediating Role of Emotional Avoidance [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Emotion dysregulation The Role of Emotion Dysregulation, Repetitive Negative Thoughts and Thought-Action Fusion, in Prediction of Worry [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Emotion regulation Comparing the effectiveness of treatment based on bioenergy economy approach and cognitive-behavioral therapy on emotional regulation of women [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: Emotion self –regulation Structural relation between depression and anxiety with symptoms of ADHD in adulthood: mediation of emotion regulation and deficit in types of cognitive attention [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Emotional abuse Mediating role of existential anxity in the relationship between childhood emotional traumas, social support and tendency to change in addicts [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Emotional adjustment Prevalence of emotional-behavioral disorders with and without comorbidity in 6-8 year old children: the role of mother's reaction to child's negative emotions [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Emotional disorders Modeling of structural relationships between suicide risk factors based on Three-Step Theory (3ST) among people with emotional disorders [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Emotional experience Predicting triangulation based on the dimensions of family adaptability, coherence, personality characteristics of oneself and spouse, along with emotional experiences of the spouse among married women [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Emotional load of task The effects of mood induction and situational-emotional load on false memory based on misinformation paradigm with emphasis on controlling emotional bias, attention, working memory and emotional factors [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Emotional regulation Development of an integrated program of sensory rehabilitation based on vibroacoustic and virtual reality and its effectiveness on the emotional profile in children with autism spectrum disorder: A Case study [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Emotional regulation Comparing the effectiveness of self compassion-based therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy on emotional regulation and cognitive fusion in obese patients [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Emotional schema Presenting a model of pain outcomes in patients with chronic low back pain based on mood and anxiety symptoms and emotional schemas: The mediating role of experiential avoidance and self-compassion [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Emotions The effectiveness of emotional schema therapy on the severity of depression, emotional dysregulation and emotional schemas in patients with major depressive disorder [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Epistemological beliefs The role of cognitive assessments and epistemological beliefs in Predicting students' academic engagement [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Exchange styles The comparison of cognitive dissonance and social exchange styles in depressive disorder patients with healthy individuals [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Executive function The effects of active game intervention and Exergames on the executive function of high-functioning Autistic children [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Executive function The effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation based on executive functions on cognitive performance of slow learner student [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Executive functions Effectiveness executive function training program using augmented reality on Communication skills in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: Executive functions Investigation into effects of Lumosity on working memory, visual Memory and executive functions among the elderly [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Experience [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Experiential avoidance Prediction of sexual desire based on emotional self-regulation, experiential avoidance, and depressive symptoms in female teachers [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Experiential avoidance and Repetitive negative thinking. predictive role of emotional dysregulation,repetitive negative thinking, intolerance of uncertainty and experiential avoidance in positive and negative perfectionism [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: External Shame Scale Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of Iranian Version of External Shame scale [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Families A comparison between attachment styles and love styles in couples raised in divorce and normal families [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Farhangian University Investigate of the Relationship between Mental Health and Academic Burnout of Students at the Farhangian University [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Fear of self Psychometric properties of persian version of Fear of Self Questionnaire related Obsessive Compulsive Disorder [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Female Effectiveness of rational emotive behavioral therapy on death anxiety, interpersonal dependency and mental well-being of household heads females [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: Female victims of domestic violence The effectiveness of the revised protocol of trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) on the quality of life and psychological distress in female victims of domestic violence [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Fitness centers The effect of passion for physical activity on the psychological well-being of sports facilities participants [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Flexibility Predicting internet addiction through executive functions; emphasizing on the components of inhibition, working memory and cognitive flexibility among students of Allameh Tabataba'i University [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: Flexibility Self-compassion and cognitive flexibility in people with body dysmorphic disorder syndrome [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Football coach Factors affecting bullying among Iranian professional football coaches [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Gender Individual, gender differences and corona: The relationship between personality traits and gender differences with corona self care behaviour [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: General health Evaluating relationship of mindfulness with religious score, general health and its aspects in Kurdistan university students in 2016 [Volume 5, Number 6]
:: Generalized anxiety disorder The efficacy of integrated transdiagnostic treatment in reducing worry, anxiety, depressive and emotional regulation in patients with generalized anxiety disorder [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Gifted Adolescents Effectiveness of Group Education Based on Health-Promoting Lifestyle on the Emotional, Social, and Academic Adaptation of Gifted Adolescents [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: Grounded Cognition Some reflections on representation and embodiment in cognitive psychology and cognitive science [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Grounded cognition The emerging approaches in the study of cognition: A review [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: Grounded theory The design criteria of healing garden in aged care centers through enhancing mental well-being approach for the elderly with depression (Case study: Ayatollah Modarres Psychiatric Hospital) [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Grounded theory Presenting a paradigm model explaining marital satisfaction in Iranian blended family [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Grounded theory Examining the paradigmatic model of choosing a spouse and satisfaction in satisfied couples in Tehran; A grounded theory study [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: Health The effect of parents attitudes to play in green space on childrens cognitive flexibility during Covid-19 home quarantine [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Health anxiety The relationship between Covid-19 related anxiety and health anxiety: The mediating role of physical concern component [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Health behaviors Stigma during the COVID-19 pandemic: Important but overlooked [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Health information The prevalence of Cyberchondria during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A cross-sectional study among a sample of Students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Hearing loss Effect of cognitive rehabilitation program based on memory on the working memory profile and prospective memory in hearing loss students [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Heart disease Check the relation sexual satisfaction with marital stress, marital satisfaction and psychological symptoms of coronary artery bypass graft heart patients [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Help seeking intention Comparison the effectiveness of psychodrama and cognitive group therapy and combination of both on depression and help seeking in hospitalized patients with major depression [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: High school student The Effect of Self-awareness Rising on Identification and Accountability among High School Students [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: High school students A comparative study of the effectiveness of the solution-focused brief therapy and mindfulness-based therapy to reduce educational stress in junior high school students in Tehran [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Homo sapiens Polygamy and its psychosocial outcomes for women (an evolutionary bio-psychological systematic review) [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Households head women Effectiveness based on acceptance and commitment therapy on quality of life women heads of household conducted in Tehran welfare Organization [Volume 5, Number 5]
:: Identity styles Prediction of Internet addiction based on emotion seeking and identity styles in students [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Impulsive behavior The role of money in everyday life decisions: Investigating the effect of priming money on decision-making aspects with uncertain consequences [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Infertility The effect of Adlerian group counseling on the hopelessness and anxiety of death in infertile women [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Infertility The effect of treatment based on the acceptance and commitment therapy on infertility, satisfaction of marriage and attitude toward to the infertility in sterile women [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Infidelity Comparting the effectiveness of combined cognitive-behavioral couple therapy and integrated behavioral couple therapy in improving family functioning in couples with extramarital affairs [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Infidelity Comparison of the effectiveness of integrative couple therapy and integrative behavioral couple therapy on increasing the resilience of couples affected by infidelity [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: Inhibition Development and Validation of Internet Neuropsychological Training Program and Effectiveness on response inhibition and Impulsivity of 5 - 6 Years Old Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Inhibitory control Causal modeling of borderline personality disorder symptoms based on failure to satisfy psychological needs: the mediating role of inhibitory control [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: Intelligence quotient Investigating the relationship between personality disorders and intelligence quotient in offenders of intention homicide referred to the Khorasan Razavi Forensic Medicine Organization in 2018-2020 [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: Intelligent students The effectiveness of Duik‘s mind changing motivational program on goal orientation and successful intelligence of intelligent students [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Interactive levels The effect of exercise in interactive levels, cognitive rehabilitation and selected sports exercises on cognitive functions in patients with MS [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: Internal stop signal Comparative Efficacy of Metacognitive therapy versus Cognitive-Behavioral therapy on reducing the metacognitive beliefs, fusion beliefs, stop signals and control/threat beliefs in patient with washing obsession [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Internet addiction The mediating role of self-esteem on the relationship between emotional dysregulation and compassion with Internet addiction [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Interpersonal problems Discriminant analysis of cluster B personality disorders based on interpersonal problem [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Intervening conditions Designing a model of psychological behavior of compulsive buyers in relation to brands: Based on qualitative approach and grounded theory method [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Iran Psychometric properties of the attitudes toward receiving professional psychological services scale in a sample of Iranian older adults [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Iran Evaluation of spiritual health level and its related factors in the students of Sanandaj Universities, 2015 [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Iran The impact of Training Rational-Emotive-Behavior Therapy on Mental Health of Women Prisoners [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Iran Relationship between spiritual health and happiness in the students of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences and its related factors [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Irritable bowel syndrome The Effectiveness of Life Therapy on Psychological Well-Being and Hope in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: Irritable bowel syndrome The compare resilience in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and normal individuals in Sanandaj city [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Item-Response theories. The Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Short use of Creative Cognition Scale in Studying according to Classical and Item-Response theories [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Joint Rheumatism Comparison of the effectiveness of positivist psychotherapy with acceptance-based therapy and commitment to the character traits of women with rheumatoid arthritis [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Korean Ambassador Cup The relationship between emotion regulation strategies and state and trait competitive anxiety in South Korean Ambassador's Cup taekwondo athletes [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Learning disabilities A comparative study of executive functions indices among children with different types of specific learning disabilities: Psychometric properties of BRIEF-2 [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Learning problems Effectiveness of working memory on visual-spatial working memory performance of pre-school children with learning problem at risk [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Leukemia Design and validation of an educational program based on the posttraumatic growth model and its effectiveness in the cognitive flexibility of leukemia patients [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Life expectancy The relationship of treatment adherence with illness perception, self-compassion and perceived social support: the mediatory role of life expectancy among patients with cardiovascular diseases [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Life satisfaction The role of basic needs and attachment styles in prediction the life satisfaction of the high school students [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Logical-mathematical intelligence A study of brain regions associated with Core Skills of Gardner's Logical-Mathematical Intelligence using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Case Study) [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Love attitudes Predicting desire for marriage based on interpersonal problems mediated by love attitudes [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: MS Comparison of effectiveness of Neurofeedback Training and Transcranial Direct Stimulation with balance Training on the balance of MS patients [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: MTOR and AKT Response of agrin, mTOR and AKT proteins in dual resistance-cognitive exercises of healthy people [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Major depressive The relationship between rumination and sleep quality in patients with major depressive disorder [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Males Structural Relationships of Antisocial Behaviors with Emotion Regulation Strategies, the Mediating Role of Moral Intelligence in Men [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Manpower Comparison of anxiety and depression of satellite project staff and accommodation in companies located in Kharg Island [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Marital Conflict. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Paradox TimeTable Cure and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Matrix on Family Adaptability and Mental Well-Being in Women with Marital Conflicts [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: Marital conflict The effectiveness of marital adjustment training on couples distress intolerance, difficulty in emotion regulation and marital conflict referring to counseling centers [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Marital happiness Comparing the Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Couple Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Marital happiness of dissatisfied couples in isfahan: A Single Subject Research [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Marital intimacy Development of a causal model of marital commitment based on forgiveness and differentiation mediated by marital intimacy and the effectiveness of this model on the quality of marital relationships [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Marital satisfaction The comparison of Marital Satisfaction in OCD- pateints and normal individuals [Volume 5, Number 6]
:: Marital satisfaction Relationship between personality characteristics and stress with internet addiction and marital satisfaction in married women [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Marriage Survey of sexual satisfaction in married men in Sanandaj in 2020 [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Married couples Predicting quality of marital life based on couples commitment, and empathy in married students of Islamic Azad University, Qom Branch [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Mathematic problems Effectiveness of visual-spatial working memory intervention on the performance of emotional working memory of student with mathematics disorders [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: MeSH Unique ID D019546 The effect of group couple therapy based on the acceptance and commitment approach on marital conflicts and emotional divorce of couples [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Men The relationship between sensation seeking and cognitive fusion with sexual health of married men [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Menopause Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on sexual responsiveness, body self-esteem, and vasomotor symptoms in menopausal women [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Mental health Mental health status of children with cleft palate and lip referred to Shiraz Orthodontic Research Center [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Mental health professionals Psychometric properties of the psychological help-seeking stigma scale toward occupational stress and burnout: for mental health professionals [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Mental pain The effectiveness of emotion focused therapy on mental pain, experiential avoidance, and forgiveness in women with depression, who experienced a romantic relationship breakup [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Mental vitality Predicting high-risk behaviors based on satisfying basic psychological needs, cognitive emotion regulation and attachment styles mediated by mental vitality in female adolescents [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Mentor The effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy in helping attitudes and work-related flow of autism child mentors [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Meta-analysis Meta-analysis of the effect of psychological nervous interventions on improving academic performance in students with specific learning disabilities [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Meta-analysis The effect of neurofeedback on reduction symptoms of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder: a meta-analysis study [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Metacognitive Beliefs. Thought Control Strategies Obsessive -Compulsive Symptoms, Metacognitive Beliefs and Thought Control Strategies in Nonclinical Population [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) Addiction and psychological consequences, the relationship between anxiety and craving index induction in patients treated with methadone maintenance with and without symptoms of anxiety [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Methamphetamine Relationship between personality patterns of brain- behavioral Systems, attention bias and pre-attention bias in patients with dependent on methamphetamine [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Migraine The effectiveness of transdiagnostic treatment on pain anxiety, distress intolerance and sleep disorders in psychosomatic patients who suffer from migraine [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Migraine Investigating the mediating role of dysfunctional attitudes on the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and clinical symptoms in migraine patients [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Migraine headaches Effectiveness of emotional self-regulation on tolerating distress and mindfulness skills in the patients suffering from migraine [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Migraine pain Investigation of the educational effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral approach (CBT) coupled with relaxation on migraine pain [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Mind-body therapy Development and validation of a psychomotor intervention program and its effects on working memory, attention, and symptoms of overt anxiety in anxious female students [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Mindfulness Developing a Structural Model of University Students’ Psychological Well-Being Based on Mindfulness and Ambiguity Tolerance, with the Mediating Roles of Cognitive Flexibility and Emotion Regulation [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: Mindfulness The role of alexithymia and mindfulness in predicting depression and anxiety in women with cancer [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Mindfulness The effectiveness of mindfulness- based cognitive therapy on Alexithymia and cognitive impairment in women with Depressive disorder [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: Mindfulness The association between anxiety and mindfulness while emphasizing the mediating role of attention control functions [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Mini review Role of Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU) in the etiology and treatment of emotional disorder: A mini review [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Mini review Anxiety Sensitivity and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Mini Review [Volume 5, Number 5]
:: Minireview A minireview on the contrast avoidance model of worry and generalized anxiety disorder [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Moral psychology Nostalgia and moral identity: a facilitator model [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Moral relations Investigating the relationship between object relations and early maladaptive schemas with dominance and moral relations among the couples in Sanandaj [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: Mothers The effectiveness of dialectical behavioral group therapy on tolerance of distress and anger control skill in mothers with retarded mentally children [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Motivational interview The effect of the motivational interview on temptation and recurrence of Buprenorphine-treated patients [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Effectiveness of mindfulness therapy in reducing rumination, perceived stress and feelings of loneliness in women with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Narcissism The role of immature defense mechanisms on dark of triad personality [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Narcissism Shame in borderline, antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders: Theoretical conceptualizations and empirical findings [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Narrative identity The identity of Iranian male adolescents in the context of master narrative of their lives: A qualitative study [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Neurotherapy The effect of neurotherapy on the rate of learning disabilities in primary school students [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Neuroticism The role of cognitive flexibility in the generalized anxiety of people with neuroticism [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Neuroticism trait Effectiveness of mindfulness based stress reduction on executive function, cognitive flexibility in women with neuroticism trait in Esfahan city [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Non-divorced couples A comparative study of personality disorder between demanding and no demanding divorce couples attending family counseling center in Sanandaj [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Nonlinear Pedagogy Effectiveness of linear and non-linear training on psychological factors related to learning: A Systematic Review [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Normal Compare emotion recognition dimensions in people with antisocial and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders and those with normal personality [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Nursing Student Mediating role of dysfunctional obsessive beliefs in the relationship between attachment styles and nomophobia in nursing students [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: OCD Comparative survey of cognitive failures in OCD and depressed patients [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Obesity Effectiveness of cognitive hypnotherapy on coping self-efficacy and cognitive emotion regulation components in obese women [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Obesity due to emotional overeating Comparison of effectiveness of acceptance and commitment-based group therapy and group schema therapy on emotion regulation difficulty and body mass index in obese people with emotional eating [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Obsessive beliefs Use of structural modeling to explain high school students obsessive beliefs based on symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, metacognitive beliefs, and self-esteem: The mediating role of inferential confusion [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Obsessive-compulsive disorder Comparison the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on anxiety and aggression in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Operating room Frequency of Hypochondria disorder in operating room personnel of educational hospitals of Guilan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Opiate users The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Emotional Adjustment of Opiate-Consumers [Volume 5, Number 5]
:: Organization and management Providing a model for improving organizational behavior based on cognitive-behavioral components: A qualitative study [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Organizational Climate The Relationship between Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction among Occupied Nurses in Psychiatric Hospitals of Qods, Tohid and Besat [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Pain Investigating the relationship between sleep quality and health indicators and disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Pain-based training program The effectiveness of pain-based training program on depression and anxiety in cancer patients [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Painful diabetic neuropathy The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on socio-occupational compatibility and acceptance of symptoms in patients with painful Diabetic Neuropathy: A single-blind randomized clinical trial [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Parental bonding Comparing the effectiveness of schema therapy and CBT On modifying maladaptive schemas in patients16 to 23 years Bulimia nervosa considering the parental bonding [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Parents Predicting adolescents social skills based on their parents emotional intelligence [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Patient The comparison of spiritual health in cancer and non-cancer patients in Sanandaj, Tohid Hospital in 2018 [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: People with mobility impairment A comparison of resilience and mental health in parent of people with and without mobility impairment [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Persian Preparation of Persian auditory comprehension test and determining its psychometric properties [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Personality Investigate the mediating role of value orientation in predicting life satisfaction based on dark and light personality traits and emotional differentiation [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Personality Traits Anticipating Students' Educational Progress Based on Factors of Educational Skills and Personality Traits in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical science [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Personality disorders Investigate the relationship between femininity-masculinity tendency with antisocial, histrionic and paranoia personality disorders in adolescents girl [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Personality function Providing a structural model for predicting symptoms of practical obsessive compulsive disorder based on religious adherence the mediating role of personality function [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Personality traits The relationship of school climate and conflict resolution strategies with academic identity and engagement: the role of mediator conscientiousness [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Pharmacotherapy The effectiveness of Transcranial Direct- Current Stimulation (TDCS) combined with medication on negative symptoms of schizophrenic patients [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Phonological awareness The study of phonological awareness strategy effect on reading skills development of dyslexic boys [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Physical education teachers. The effect of Occupational resource and quality of work life on working links of physical education teachers in Kurdistan Province [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Physical social anxiety The relationship between Yoga exercises and social physical anxiety in athletic girls [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Positivist psychotherapy The effectiveness of positivist psychotherapy on inefficient attitudes and experiential avoidance on students with generalized anxiety disorder [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Post divorce adjustment Post-divorce coaching: a new intervention to facilitate divorce adjustment [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Post-traumatic stress disorder Lived experiences of adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder caused by Sarpol-e Zahab earthquake: a phenomenological study [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Postpartum depression The comparison of problem solving and working memory of executive functions in postpartum depression women and healthy women [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Postpartum depression Effect of cognitive rehabilitation training on promotion of emotion regulation in women with postpartum depression [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Postpartum depression The effectiveness of meta-emotion combined therapy on reducing anxiety sensitivity and experiential avoidance in women with postpartum depression [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Postural control stability The effects of manipulating sensory afferent information and cognitive dual tasks on postural control [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: Pregnancy The effectiveness of emotion regulation group training in improving quality of life and mitigating emotion regulation difficulties of women during pregnancy [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: Pregnant women The effect of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) on self-efficacy of pregnant women in adapting to normal vaginal delivery [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Preschool child Introduce and analyze of parent management training programs for reducing problem behaviors in preschool children [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Preschool children Evaluation of normative scores of Neuropsychological Skills Teacher Form Questionnaire of preschool children [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Primary schools Evaluation state anger of primary school teachers Kermanshah [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Problem solving. Comparison of Cognitive Emotional Regulation and Problem-Solving Strategies in Substance Abusers and Normal Subjects [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Problem-Solving Strategies The Role of Problem Solving Strategies in Empathy with Patients in Sanandaj Nurses [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Procrastination The effectiveness of metacognitive group counseling on internet addiction and academic procrastination of students [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Psychological Psychological well-being: the role of self-differentiation, Alexithymia and ego-strength [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Psychological Distress Comparing the effectiveness of emotion-oriented therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on the action flexibility and psychological distress of women affected by infidelity [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Psychological Well-Being An investigation of students' sleep quality with mediating role of metacognitions [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Psychological development The effectiveness of a selected movement program with structured, unstructured, and mixed on the social and psychological development of children aged 4 to 6 years [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Psychological dimensions The persistent effect of problem-solving and growing interpersonal relationships methods on the cognitive-social dimensions of the group environment among athletes [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Psychological distress The impact of adverse childhood experiences, psychological distress and resilience on depression in amateur athletes [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Psychological distress Developing a model of experiencing spousal violence in women based on personality traits with a mediating role of psychological distress [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Psychological distress Effectiveness of emotional-social skills traning in psychological distress and social isolation by moderating the coping styles in symptoms of depressed adolescents [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Psychological distress The effectiveness of unified transdiagnostic treatment on psychological distress and alexithymia in people with hypertension comorbid with stress [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Psychological well-being The effectiveness of Group well-being Therapy on marital satisfaction and psychological well- being among housewives [Volume 5, Number 5]
:: Psychometric Psychometric evaluation and factor analysis of the Iranian version of the Fear of Guilt Scale (FOGS) for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Psychometric properties Psychometric properties of screen time questionnaire in children [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Psychotherapy The effect of hypnosis on the reduction of mental and physical diseases [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Psychotherapy The effectiveness of online unified transdiagnostic treatment on psychological distress, mindfulness, meta-emotion and psychological empowerment of pregnant women [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Qualitative method Exploring the development of mental security in divorced women: A qualitative study [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Qualitative study The pattern of self in women with borderline personality disorder in the context of their life narratives: A qualitative study [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Qualitative study Emotion regulation in psychosomatic diseases: qualitative study [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Qualitative study Investigation of drug use causes in young persons of Sanandaj using Respondent Driven Sampling [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Qualitative study The challenges and opportunities for psychotherapy in Iran: a qualitative study [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Quality of life Comparing the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy on coherent self knowledge, emotional regulation and life quality of hemodialysis patients [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Quality of life The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on anxiety and quality of life in patients with non-cardiac chest pain [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Quality of life. Presentation of the psychological dimensions of the organizational happiness model at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Rehabilitati Investigating the effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation on the expressive language of children with autism spectrum disorder [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Reliability Investigating the persian-version psychometric properties of the emotion regulation questionnaire (ERQ) and social skills among children and adolescents who suffer from autism spectrum disorder (SPD) [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Resilience Predicting the anxiety of corona infection based on cognitive emotion regulation strategies, religious beliefs and resilience in students [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Resilience The effectiveness of semantic therapy training on psychological resilience and psychological well-being of mourning women [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Resilience Investigating the relationship between optimism and subjective vitality with the mediating role of resilience among elderly people [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Resilience Investigating the role of resilience in psychological vulnerability of Birjand Islamic Azad University employees in the pandemic COVID-19 [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: Resiliency The mediating role of self-differentiation in the relationship between resiliency and marital burnout in married women [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Resiliency and Emotional-behavioral problems The Effectiveness of Group Narrative Therapy on Adjustment with Parental Divorce, Resiliency and Emotional-behavioral Problems of Divorced Parent’s Girls in Isfahan Elementary Schools [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Response inhibition Comparison of the Effectiveness of Different transcranial direct current stimulation Protocols (tDCS) with Cognitive Exercises in Improving Response Inhibition in Normal Individuals [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Review study Psychometric properties of instruments for assessing intolerance of uncertainty: A Review Study [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Risk management Evaluation of cognitive and educational-motivational indexes affecting on human resource risk management [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Risk taking Risk-taking and behavioral inhibition interaction in ADHD- with and without conduct disorder- compared with control children [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Rumination The role of rumination and the sadness emotion management skills in predicting emotional eating behavior of 9-12 year-old children with obesity and overweight [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: SQ The prediction of quality of life based on personality traits and type of intelligence in women [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Sacrificers The effect of cognitive therapy on patients with posttraumatic stress disorder [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Sanandaj The prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder and related factors among students of primary schools in Sanandaj in 2014 [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Sanandaj. The Relationship between Gender Difference and the History of Psychiatric Disorders in the Family with Oppositional defiant disorder among Primary School Students in Sanandaj in 2014 [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Schema therapy A comparison between the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Schema Therapy on marital burnout and marital conflicts of patients referred to Gorgan counseling centers [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Schizoid personality disorder Comparison of brain-behavioral systems (BAS/BIS), adjustment components and schizoid personality syndrome in patients with migraine and nervous peptic ulcer and normal subjects [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Schizophrenia The Effectiveness of Psychosocial Rehabilitation in Reducing Negative Symptoms and Improving Social Skills of Chronic Schizophrenia Patients [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Schizophrenia Predicting paranoid thoughts in patients with schizophrenia basing on cognitive biases and self-reflection [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Schizophrenia The relationship between difficulty in emotion regulation and metaworry and the tolerance of ambiguity in patients with schizophrenia [Volume 9, Number 5]
:: Schizotypal Creativity among psychosis prone individuals: Hypomanic and Highly Schizotypal Evidence for confirmation the inverted-U relationship between creativity and psychopathology [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Screening Comparing prevalence of sexual dysfunctions between narcissists and healthy persons [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Self Efficacy The Relationship between Job Stress and Self-Efficacy and Public Health of Nurses and Midwives in the Besat Hospital [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Self Referent Upward Comparing the Counterfactual thinking in Patients with Depression, Anxiety and Healthy People [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Self- efficacy The mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between self- criticism and depression symptoms in University students [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Self-assessment The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on neurotic perfectionism and internalized self-criticism in neurotic perfectionist girls: A single-case experimental study [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Self-concealment Investigate the relationship between social and emotional loneliness, fear of negative evaluation, thought suppression, and mindfulness with mediating self-concealment [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Self-concept Development of a responsibility model based on identity styles with the mediating role of self-concept for the students of Tehran Universities [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Self-efficacy Relationship between psychological distress and physical symptoms of functional dyspepsia with the mediating role of pain related mental imagery, visceral sensitivity, pain catastrophizing and pain self-efficacy [Volume 8, Number 6]
:: Self-efficacy Comparing the effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy and schema therapy on self-efficacy and its components in addicts undergoing methadone maintenance treatment: A clinical trial study [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Self-empowerment Developing a structural model of the relationship between sensation seeking and adolescent internet addiction: the mediating role of self-empowerment [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Self-esteem Modeling the relationship between the big five personality traits and resilience, considering self-esteem as a mediator variable [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Self-harming behaviors A comparative study of suicidal and self-harm behaviors and the guilt and shame proneness among individuals with the "Dark Tetrad Personality Traits" and the "Vulnerable Dark Triad": A cross-sectional study [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Sense of Coherence Developing a model for promoting self-coherence in old age by considering Iranian Islamic lifestyle: a qualitative study [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: Sex differences Body Images of the rhinoplasty definitive candidates before surgery: Findings from a case-control study and based-gender [Volume 5, Number 6]
:: Sexual abuse The effectiveness of smart robot psychological intervention program on good sexual care for elementary school children [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: Sexual assault Recovering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms: A study on the combination of art and mindfulness [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Sexual differences Relationship prenatal testosterone with spatial abilities in male and female athletes: Visual Search Technique [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Sexual health Design, validation and reliability of the Autism Spectrum Health and Sexual Behavior Questionnaire (Parent Form) [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Sleep quality Exploration the mediating role of adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity, neuroticism, dysfunctional attitudes towards sleep, and sleep quality among adolescents [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Social Anxiety Disorder A Comparative study of Neurofeedback and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Social Anxiety [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Social anxiety Changes in symptoms of general anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive, social anxiety and generalized anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in college students [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Social anxiety Mediator role of difficulty in emotion regulation in relation between attachment to parents and social anxiety disorder symptoms in adolescent females [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Social anxiety disorder Comparison of the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness therapy on fear the negative of evaluation in individuals with social anxiety disorder [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Social anxiety disorder Effectiveness of contextual schema therapy for emotion regulation and painful physical symptoms in individuals with social anxiety disorder: Single subject study [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Social anxiety disorder The effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on interpersonal sensitivity and psychological flexibility in students with social anxiety: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Social communications The effect of motor and computer games on attention and social communications of male students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 10-12 years [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Social competence The effectiveness of Lacanian analysis group therapy on empathy, social acceptance and social competence in adolescent girls in Tehran city: two months follow-up [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Soldiers The effectiveness of training resiliency skills on soldier’s mental heath [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Solution focused group therapy The effectiveness of rational-emotional therapy and solution focused group therapy on social anxiety disorder in students of Shiraz University [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Somatic symptoms Effectiveness of mindfulness on resiliency and cognitive distortion of patients with physical symptoms [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Spinal cord injury Evaluating the Effectiveness of Rhythmic Movement Training on the Improvement of Sensory-Motor Performance and Quality of Life in Patients with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Spiritual healing Comparison of the effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy based on attachment injuries and eclectic spirituality based schema therapy on hopelessness and mental health of women affected by husband's infidelity [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Spironolactone Effectiveness of spironolactone on schizophrenia symptoms: A double-blind randomized clinical trial [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Sport. Developing a model of interactions between society and brands based on socio-cultural theory [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Sports Clubs. Design and Development of Cognitive-Based Educational Strategies to Combat Illicit Drug Use in Bodybuilding Clubs of the Country [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Spouses with psychotic disorders Comparison of mental health, resiliency in spouses and marital satisfaction of men with psychotic disorders with healthy spouses [Volume 5, Number 5]
:: Stimulants The relationship between the duration and rate of drug use and explicit / implicit memory bias among opium and stimulant addicts [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Stroke Effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation on selective and divided attention and executive function in adults with stroke [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Stroke Computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation with and without unihemispheric concurrent dual-site a-tDCS and conventional tDCS on improving the response inhibition in patients with stroke [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: Stroop's Semantic Test Assessment of attention bias in the cognitive processing of neutral and emotional words Using semantic Strop test [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Structural model Structural relations of brain- behavioral systems and emotion regulation difficulties with craving of marijuana in students [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Structural pattern The Structural Pattern of Family Functioning Based on Religious Orientation in Working Men and Women of Hamedan City with the Role of Resilience as a Mediator [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Student Comparative study of the relationship between childhood traumas with personality function and pathological traits in patients with borderline personality disorder and non-patient group [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: Student Comparison of academic buoyancy, family’s emotional climate, and academic motivation between excellent and average students [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Student The relationship between cell-phone addiction with the academic achievement motivation and academic performance of students in Khash Baluchestan [Volume 5, Number 6]
:: Student Relationship between emotional problems, demographic variables and experience of psychological symptoms in Kurdistan University students in 2018 [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: Student The role of executive functions and risk-taking in predicting decision- making styles in university students [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Student-athletes The relationship between coping styles and job stress with emotional maturity in student-athletes [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Students The Effectiveness of Working Memory improving on cognitive restraint [Volume 5, Number 6]
:: Students Evaluation incidence and anger control Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences in 2015-2016 [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Students The Effectiveness of the education of the components of choice theory on Reducing Parent-Child Conflict of Girl Students [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Students Predict the Test Anxiety based on Early Maladaptive Sachems among Second Grade High School Students in Gorgan [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Students Effectiveness emotion regulation training on reduction of symptoms depression students [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Students The effectiveness of training of effective communication and assertiveness skills and social adjustment of medical students [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Students Psychometric properties and factor structure of the Iranian version of the Social Phobia Inventory (I-SPIN) [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Students Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on Problem Solving between Elementary Girl Students in Fifth Grade [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Students Validation of the shortened scale of borderline personality disorder symptoms lists in Iranian society and using this questionnaire in the diagnosis and severity of symptoms of borderline personality disorder [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Students Impact of chess training in students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: Students The canonical correlation between perceptions of parents and psychological and social well-being in students [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Students Investigating the relationship between early maladaptive schemes and fear of negative evaluation in students with test anxiety [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Students Predicting the rate of procrastination of university students based on internet addiction and metaphorical perception of time during the Corona virus outbreak [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Students The Effectiveness of intervention based on positive education on the subjective wellbeing in students [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Students The role of self-regulation and alienation in Predict educational achievement motivation of students [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Students Compare cognitive flexibility, cognitive avoidance and alexithymia in male students with and without stuttering disorders [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Students Comparative examine of effectiveness of training behavioral activation and education based on acceptance and commitment on increasing psychological well-being among high school boy students of Grade nine in Kerman [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Students The prevalence of depression and disappointment and their relationship with Substance addiction tendency among high school students in Divandareh City in 2018 [Volume 6, Number 5]
:: Students The relationship between family emotional climate with emotional self-regulation and resilience in university’s students [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Students The relationship between spiritual health and mental health in students of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Students The role of parent-adolescent conflict and social support in predicting student's existential crisis [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Students Predicting fear of being single based on personality types, emotional intelligence, and demographic variables [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: Students. The role of anxiety and alexithymia in predicting disordered eating behaviors among students:implication for health promotion [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Student  Identifying cognitive and behavioral factors efficacious on the curriculum by emphasizing students' accountability [Volume 9, Number 6]
:: Substance dependency Comparing the effect of the training of cognitive behavioral coping skills and mindfulness based relapse prevention in reducing the psychological symptoms of people with substance dependency under methadone maintenance treatment [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Suicide The comparison attachment styles and Alexithymia in suicidal attempts and control group [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Survivors of earthquake Comparing Coping strategies, happiness, hope for future in adolescent's survivor Bam earthquake with other adolescents [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Symptoms of autism Effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on mothers' psychological well-being of children with Autism and reduction of symptoms these children [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Systematic review Systematic review of the effectiveness of psychological interventions on parent-child interaction improving in children with ADHD [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Systems theories Development and validation of individual systemic psychotherapy protocol to ego depletion in individuals with depression [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Tai Chi exercises The effectiveness of Tai Chi exercises on the mental health of women with breast cancer [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Targeting skill Effect of social-comparative feedback and the focus of attention on the performance of targeting skills in children with ADHD [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Task complexity Psychological assessment of event-related motor potential in different brain regions in carrying out simple and complicated tasks [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Temporal Processing Effectiveness of a computer-based time perception training on temporal processing precision [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Theory of mind Effectiveness of cerebellar education training in theory of mind and working memory of children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Time-based prospective memory The Investigation of the Role of Executive Functions (Working Memory and Inhibition) in Predicting the Event-based and Time-based Prospective Memory of the Adolescents [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Traditional method Comparison of the effect of Davis instructional strategy and traditional instructional on the development of reading skills of dyslexic boys in grade 2 of elementary school from Roshtkhar [Volume 7, Number 6]
:: Traditionalism The study of relationship between social identity dimensions and the individual differentiation [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Tranquility of foretime Investigating the psychometric adequacy of nostalgia inventory (NI) [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Transcranial direct current stimulation The effectiveness of transcranial direct-current stimulation on reducing depression among the nonclinical population [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Transsexual Role of family function in the prediction of Gender Dysphoria in women and transgender men [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Transsexual The role of early maladaptive schemas and difficulties in emotion regulation in the prediction of Gender Dysphoria in Transsexual men [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Traumatic brain injury The mediating role of experiential avoidance in the relationship between Alexithymia and emotion regulation in patients with major depression disorder after traumatic brain injury [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Traumatic events Mind simulation model; an effective treatment to decreasing dissociative experiences caused by traumatic events in adult with stuttering disorder [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Type 2 Diabetes. Effectiveness of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Group Therapy on Cognitive Emotional Regulation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Uncertainty Prediction of decisional procrastination based on fear of failure, self-compassion and intolerance of uncertainty in students [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: University students A prediction model for self-handicapping in Bojnourd University students: The role of compatible and incompatible components of perfectionism [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: University students The role of social skills & emotional intelligence in predicting internet addiction among university students [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: University students Investigation the role of experiential avoidance on anticipation general health in non-clinical samples [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: University students Predicting internet addiction based on social skills & mental security among university students [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Vaccine The role of personality traits and demographic characteristics in the injection of the Covid-19 vaccine [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Validity Investigating the psychometric properties of the persian version of the psychological inventory of criminal thinking styles [Volume 10, Number 5]
:: Validity A review of the psychometric properties of the persian version of the short revised compassionate love for humanity scale [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Veterans The efficacy of autobiographical memory specificity training (MEST) on post-traumatic stress symptoms in veterans with post traumatic stress disorder [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Violence against Women. The efficacy of life skills training on marital adjustment of women for the prevention of domestic violence [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Visual perception Effectiveness of educational package based on lateral dominance in visual recognition, visual memory and visual completion of 7-12-year-old children with learning disorders [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Visual-spatial sketchpad Study and Comparison of Working Memory Components in Autism and Normal Children [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Visuo-spatial memory Development and validation of a neurocognitive rehabilitation program and evaluation of its efficacy on reaction time, recognition of shape, and visual-spatial memory in high-functioning male adolescents with autism [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: Visuospatial function The relationship between visuospatial functions and executive functions of female Schizophrenia patients admitted to a psychiatric hospital [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: West region Research skills of student counselors in west Iran University of Medical Sciences (Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Hamadan, Ilam) in 2018 [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Women The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on Emotional Failure and Distress Tolerance of Women Prone to Emotional Divorce [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: Women The Relationship between Self-Worth and Communication Styles and Marital Adjustment in Women [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Women Sexual health in married women and the role of meta-cognitive belief and emotion regulation strategies in predicting that [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Women The role of mindfulness and alexithymia in reducing depression and anxiety in women victims of spouse violence [Volume 6, Number 6]
:: Women of visiting beauty centers Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on differentiation of self, body dissatisfaction and negative evaluation in women of visiting beauty centers [Volume 7, Number 5]
:: Working Memory Investigating The Induced Effect of The Emotions of Shame and Guilt on working Memory Performance [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Working memory The effect of mental and muscle fatigue on spatial working memory [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Working memory. Comparison of executive functions of attention, observational learning functions and working memory [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Worry Comparing the Effectiveness of schema therapy and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Worry and psychological well-being in infertile women [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: Young people. The Relationship Between Dark Tetrad of Personality and Domain-Specific Risk-taking Among Iranian Young People [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: acceptance and commitment. The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment group therapy on autobiographical memory in non-clinical sample of depressed people [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: addiction potential. The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Factor and Resilience With addition potential among student [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: addiction. Comparison of the effectiveness of metacognitive therapy and emotion regulation based on the Gross model on impulsivity and desire in substance abuse men treated with methadone in Ilam city [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: adolescence A comparison on early maladaptive schemas, body image concerns and attribution styles among the teenagers with social anxiety and normal ones [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: adolescents A structural model for predicting addiction susceptibility in male adolescents based on family emotional climate with the mediation of resilience [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: affective control Comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness parenting training and compassion-based parenting on the affective control of mothers with children with learning disorder [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: age groups. Comparing Rorschach Variables based on the Exner's Comprehensive system (2003) in 5-7, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old groups [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: and Educable retarded children The effectiveness of coloring art using step by step drawings on self-esteem of educable retarded children [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: and normal adolescent smokers Comparing metacognition beliefs and emotional regulation and Smoking among adolescents ordinary in City of Sanandaj [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: anxiety Complicated grief: A descriptive cross-sectional prevalence study from Iran [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: attentional control theory Working memory function in state and trait anxiety: attentional control theory [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: attributive retraining Effectiveness of attributive retraining on epileptic male children’s mental health [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: autism The Quality of the Mother-Child Relationship and the Strategies of Thought Suppression and Absence of Pleasure-Seeking in Mothers of Children with Autism [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: beliefs The relationship of the Intolerance of uncertainty and worry and metacognitive beliefs in people with depressive symptoms [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: body dysmorphic disorder ؛obsessions-compulsions؛ acceptance and commitment therapy The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on obsessions-compulsions in girl adolescents with body dysmorphic disorder [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: bulimia nervosa. The Relationship between Body Image and Cognitive Distortions with Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa in Patients with Depression [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: bully victimization The effectiveness of training problem solving skills in order to decrease depression and bullied-victimized among male students [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: children with specific learning disabilities The Effectiveness of Attribution Retraining on achievement motivation and attributional style of Children specific learning disabilities [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: clinical Signs Studying the Personality Disorders and clinical signs in aggression attempter in the Public Places of sanandaj City [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: cognitive fusion Designing and Testing the Structural Model of Online Games Addiction Based on Brain-Behavioral Systems: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Fusion and Experiential Avoidance [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: cognitive slack The effect of the uninformative spatial cue on the information processing stages by using the psychology refractory period paradigm [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: cognitive-behavioral Comparing the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment based therapy on health anxiety in nurses [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: cognitive-behavioral therapy The effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy on sexual dysfunction after hysterectomy in women referred to Besat hospital in Sanandaj [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: comparative cross-cultural study Social intelligence and medical empathy in Iranian and English medical students: a comparative cross-cultural study [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: coping strategies Predicting Kashan University Students’ mental stress coping strategies [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: dementia Effectiveness of interventions of cognitive training, cranial electrical stimulation (CES) and their combination on attention and delayed memory of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: depression Comparison of copying strategies and problem solving styles in depressed and non-depressed students [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: depression The effect of swimming training on inflammatory cytokines in serum of mice infected depression-type 2 diabetes [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: depression Effectiveness of Quality Of Life Therapy (QOLT) on the academic resilience and self-differentiation in depressed girls high school students of Khorramabad second academic year1395-96 [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: devorcing spouse The Effectiveness of Happiness education on life expectancy of divorcing spouses using Fordyce method [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: divorce Comparison of personality abilities and self-suppression in women applying for divorce and non-applicant women [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: divorce Comparison of Executive Functions, Sensory Processing and Theory of Mind in Children from Divorced Families and Ordinary Children [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: duration Gender differences in time perception in relation with number and time interaction [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: eating Comparison of the effectiveness of commitment and acceptance therapy and self-compassion therapy on distress tolerance and eating behavior in patients with type 2 diabetes [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: emotion processing Empathy and emotional intelligence impairments in non-clinical psychopathy [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: emotional intelligence-family emotional climat_echievement motivation mediating role of emotional intelligence in the relationship between family emotionalclimate and achievement motivation [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: emotional self – regulation. The Prediction of Phobia and Suppressed Anger from Emotional Self – regulation among Students [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: emotions The Mediating Role of Sensation Seeking and Impulsivity in the Association of Internet Addiction with Marital Boredom and Attitude towards Marital Infidelity [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: empathy The role of perceived parenting styles and borderline personality disorder in cyberbullying: mediate empathy [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: experiential avoidance Mediating role of experiential avoidance in predicting borderline personality disorder based on childhood trauma [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: factor analysis. Psychometric Properties of the Positive Meta-Cognitions and Meta-Emotions Questionnaire in athletes [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: female students Investigation the relationship of type D personality and it's sub-scales with depression in female students at Shahin shahr [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: fitness perfectionism football. relationship between emotional intelligence and self-coaching sports and fitness perfectionism football schools in Kurdistan province [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: generalized anxiety Comparing the components of mindfulness and emotional health in people with major depression, generalized anxiety disorder and normal individuals [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: health centers. Compilation and validation of a questionnaire of cognitive-social and cultural components related to entrepreneurial capacity in the health center of Kurdistan region of Iraq [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: high school teachers. The Effectiveness of Group Logotherapy on the hope to life of the Miyaneh School Teachers [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: hope The mediating role of hope on the relationship between neuroticism and extraversion factors and quality of life in dialysis patients. [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: housewives The comparison of life style and hardiness in divorced women in Iran (Tabriz) with Iranian women living in Finland (Helsinki) [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: informational identity style and Students Relationship between family function and identity styles in high school female students in Karaj [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: job satisfaction and neuroticism. Prediction of job satisfaction based on personality type and perceived social support [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: learning disability The Role of working memory on the performance of Executive functions in students with learning disabilities [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: loneliness Relationship between attachment style, self-conception, and loneliness [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: married students Predicting love style respect with attachment style in married student of Roudehen University [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: mate selection The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Psychological Distress and Regretting The Spouse Choice in Betrayed Women [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: mathematical learning disability. The effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation treatment on the performance of problem solving in patients with disabilities learn math [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: maturity Modeling marital satisfaction based on marital expectations, emotional maturity, and aspects of love with the mediation of marital conflicts of married women [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: motion Effect of Initial Orientation and mobility training, and advanced [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: motivation Effect of a quality of life coaching intervention on psychological courage and self-determination [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: motivational interviewing Evaluate the effectiveness of motivational interviewing in drug craving and drug therapy [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: neurofeedback The effectiveness of neurofeedback therapy on emotional regulation and anger in 11- and 12-year-old adolescent boys with anxiety disorders [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: normal people. Comparing the early maladaptive schemas of dishonored check prisoners and normal people [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: nurses The Effectiveness of Group Spiritual-Islamic Mindfulness on Compassion Fatigue, Empathy and Optimism in Nurses [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: optimism Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment group therapy on marital distress, marital conflict and optimism in married women visited the counseling center of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation in Kermanshah. [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: orbitofrontal Compare cognitive functions of prefrontal cortex in OCD patients, obsessive beliefs group, and healthy group [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: organizational silence Predicting effectiveness of teachers teaching based on affective well-being and organizational silence components [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: overweight Positive and negative effects of cognitive behavioral therapy on mental health and psychological flexibility in individuals with overweight [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: perceived stress The effect of group cognitive training on depression, anxiety and perceived stress in Hamadan’s Farhangian University students [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: perceived stress. Compare of effectiveness schema therapy and group cognitive therapy to reduce depression, anxiety and perceived stress women [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: personality traits Compilation of students' academic performance model based on personality traits and academic involvement with the mediation of self-efficacy and academic motivation [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: phonological awarenes The Impact of Phonological Awareness Training on speed-reading of boy Students with dyslexia [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: premarital counseling. Standardization of Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis for premarital counseling [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: primary school The Prevalence of Attention Deficit – Hyperactivity Disorder and related factors, among elementary school student in Kamyaran city in 2014-2015 [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: psychiatric diagnosis Suicide and its relationship with demographic variables, psychiatric diagnosis and duration of disorders in patients of Ghods psychiatric hospital [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: psychological model Development of a psychological model of customer complaint management based on comprehensive quality management: the mediating role of job satisfaction [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: psychological well-being. Model of the mediating role of psychological well-being in the causal relationship between sports history and mild cognitive impairment [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: psychometric Designing and study the psychometric properties of the “Counselors’ Professional Development Scale" [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: quality of life The effect of counseiing-based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on the quality of life of women attending the cultural centers of the city [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: quality of life The effectiveness of emotion regulation training on the family quality of life of mothers with children with autism and separation anxiety disorder [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: quality of marital relationships The effectiveness of schema-based cognitive therapy on cognitive fatigue and the quality of marital relationships of married women in Amol city [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: religious orientation and soleness sensation The relationship between identity style, responsibility and religious orientation with soleness sensation of M.A students [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: resilience Comparing the effectiveness of existential group psychotherapy and mindfulness group therapy on resilience and life quality in patients with hypertension [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: resilience and tenacity The Relationship between Hardiness, Resilience, and Job Burnout among Health Workers of the Health Network of the City of Kamyaran [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: satellite project employees The role of resilience in reduction of job stress and job burnout among employees of satellite project of Iranian Offshore Oil Company [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: satisfaction Structural Relationships between Attachment Styles and Marital Satisfaction with the Mediation of Loneliness [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: schema therapy Comparing the effectiveness of schema therapy and emotionally focused therapy on couples' marital disaffection [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: self-esteem Gender differences in the components of self-esteem in English language learners [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: self-talk Analysis of the Ernest Hemingway‘s Old Man and the Sea by from the Cognitive Recognition Meichenbaum [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: separation schema and exclusion The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Schemas in Relation between Personality and Hardines [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: short-term dynamic psychotherapy The effectiveness of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy on emotion regulation difficulty in depressed people [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: social anxiety The Effectiveness of Schema Therapy in Reducing Aggression and Social Anxiety in Adolescents of Hamedan city aged 17 to 18 years [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: spatial ability The effectiveness of the cognitive-emotional empowerment training package on the spatial ability and inhibitory control of female students [Volume 10, Number 6]
:: speech anxiety Modeling the structural relationships of personality traits with speech anxiety in students [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: structural equation The Effect of Parenting Styles on Early Maladaptive Schemas with the Mediating Role of Overcompensation and Avoidance Coping Styles [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: students Presenting a structural model for predicting academic engagement based on self-regulation and perceived social support: the mediating role of educational stress in students [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: students Epidemiology of body dysmorphic disorder in middle and high school students in Sanandaj city [Volume 11, Number 6]
:: students with learning disabilities. Effectiveness of Motivational Psychotherapy on Depression and Anxiety of mothers of Childrens with Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: students. The relationship of emotion regulation with depression and anxiety symptoms of university students: The Mediating Role of Mindfulness [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: stuttering The effectiveness of the simulation mind model on reducing stress and increasing cognitive flexibility in adult with stuttering disorder [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: subliminal stimulus Implicit Self-Esteem manipulation using subliminal stimuli presentation [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: theory of mind Designing the educational plays based on theory of mind and investigating its effectiveness on promoting the level of social adequacy and self-esteem in children with mild intellectual disability [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: washing. Comparative Efficacy of Metacognitive therapy versus Cognitive-Behavior therapy on reducing the symptoms of washing compulsions, anxiety and depression [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: women Efficacy of narrative therapy in reducing depressive symptoms in women20 to40yearsin Sanandaj [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: women Comparing the effectiveness of couple therapy based on self-discipline and acceptance and commitment on Fahmi's perspective in married women referring to counseling centers [Volume 11, Number 5]
:: women The structural model of marital satisfaction based on relational beliefs with the mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation in married women [Volume 11, Number 3]
::  Iranian version Reconstruction, validation, and standardization of the extended objective Measure of Ego Identity Status-2 (EOM-EIS-2) and preparing its short form in Iranian society [Volume 7, Number 6]
::  Vulnerability Comparison of pathological narcissism and its dimensions in people with substance use disorders with non-clinical people [Volume 9, Number 1]

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