Ojaghi S S, Abedi A, Malek Pur M. The effectiveness of Duik‘s mind changing motivational program on goal orientation and successful intelligence of intelligent students. Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry 2021; 8 (1) :48-60
1- Msc, Department of Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran , sima_ojaghi@yahoo.com
2- Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
3- Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract: (3238 Views)
Introduction: Duik’s theory deals with subjective beliefs that people have about their own intelligence. Subjective beliefs that intelligent students have about their own intelligence could be effective on creative, analytical, practical intelligence as well as their goal orientation.
Aim: The object of the present research was the effectiveness of Duik’s mind changing motivational program on goal orientation and successful intelligence of intelligent students.
Method: The present research was a semi-experimental study with experimental design with pre-test, post-test with the control group. The statistical population was the intelligent students of the elementary school of Isfahan city in the year of 2015-2016. In the research sample, 30 people were chosen in a two-stage cluster sampling manner, and with a random method in experimental and control group. The measurement instrument was Raven’s Intelligence Test, Eliot and Mac Grikor’s goal achievement inventory and Esternberg and Grigorenko’s successful intelligence inventory. Also in order to test the hypothesis, multivariable Quariance analytic test and SPSS software 24 version were used.
Results: Findings shows that Duik’s mind changing motivational progarm was effective on each four components of goal orientation means tendency domination )P=0.001), avoidance domination )P=0.001), tendency performance )P=0.001), avoidance performance )P=0.001) as well as analytical )P=0.001), practical (P=0.007), and creative intelligence (P=0.046) of intelligent students.
Conclusion: According to the findings it is recommend that for increasing the level of merit motivation of intelligent students, additive intelligence education based on Duik’s theory should be used.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2021/01/9 | Accepted: 2021/03/15 | Published: 2021/04/10