Mahmodi Panah H, Jafari A, Sohrabi F. Relationship between emotional problems, demographic variables and experience of psychological symptoms in Kurdistan University students in 2018. Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry 2020; 7 (5) :30-40
1- M.Sc of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Kurdistan University, Sanandaj, Iran
2- PhD Student of Clinical Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (2986 Views)
Introduction: Emotional relationship with opposite sex is an important matter during university ages and affects students' function.
Aim: This study aimed at surveying the relationship between demographic variables of students with emotional problems and their attitude toward it.
Method: As a descriptive-survey study, among Kurdistan university students, through in-access sampling method, those who signed informed consent were selected as the sample of study. The asked-questions were about the experience of emotional relationship, failure and their attitude toward them. Using SPSS version 20, the raw data were analyzed by Ki-square and Spearman correlation coefficient tests.
Results: Finally 405 students (171 girls, 232 boys, 2 missed) with the mean age of 22 years old and 3.49 SD, completed the necessary data and questions. Results showed that emotional relationship is a popular experience among students. Beside its consequences, it is not necessarily negative. And along with problems it may be caused, the students have an acceptable attitude toward it. Also, there were not any gender differences in the severity of experienced symptoms after a failure experience, and the failure rate in these relationship decreased by the age.
Conclusion: Emotional relationship can make some bad experiences for students temporarily, but it seems that we have to note the other side, which seems to development stage that inevitably has its positive and negative sides.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2020/07/1 | Accepted: 2020/10/11 | Published: 2020/12/12