Volume 8, Issue 6 (Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry 2022)                   Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry 2022, 8(6): 10-23 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghasem Khanloo A, Sabri V, Madadloo M. The effectiveness of detached mindfulness on perceived stress and sleep quality in patients with COVID-19. Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry 2022; 8 (6) :10-23
URL: http://shenakht.muk.ac.ir/article-1-1276-en.html
1- M.A, Department of Health, Khoy University of Medical Sciences, Khoy, Iran , psy.arezoo@gmail.com
2- PhD, Department of Health, Khoy University of Medical Sciences, Khoy, Iran
3- M.A, Department of Health, Khoy University of Medical Sciences, Khoy, Iran
Abstract:   (2384 Views)
Introduction: Patients with Covid-19 experience high levels of stress and low sleep quality due to treatment isolation.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of faulty mindfulness on perceived stress and sleep quality in patients with Covid-19.
Method: The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population was all patients with Covid-19 in Khoy in 2021. From the list of people with positive molecular diagnosis test, 30 patients were purposefully selected, then randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Data were collected using Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSS) and Sleep Quality Questionnaire (PSQI) in pre-test and post-test and then analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance in SPSS-26 software.
Results: The results show that the detached mindfulness between the two groups has a significant difference in the amount of perceived stress with F=38.69 at the level of 0.001 and sleep quality with F=59.36 at the level of 0.001; The magnitude of the effect of faulty mindfulness was obtained to reduce perceived stress (0.59) and improve sleep quality (0.50).
Conclusion: Covid-19 is associated with a range of widespread psychological symptoms such as stress, depression and sleep problems. Based on the findings of the study, it can be concluded that detached mindfulness can reduce patients' perceived stress and improve the sleep quality of patients. Therefore, the implementation of psychological intervention programs can prevent the continuation of psychological problems in patients.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/09/30 | Accepted: 2021/12/14 | Published: 2022/01/29

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