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XML The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on obsessions-compulsions in girl adolescents with body dysmorphic disorder
azam habibollahi *, Mohammad Soltanizadeh
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XML The Relationship between Self-Worth and Communication Styles and Marital Adjustment in Women
mokhtar arefi *, parvin mohammadi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)   |   Full Text(HTML) ./files/site1/user_files_746ef7/html/Marital Adjustment.htmI Full Text(HTML)
XML Obsessive -Compulsive Symptoms, Metacognitive Beliefs and Thought Control Strategies in Nonclinical Population
saman sadeghpour *, shahram mohammadkhani, Jafar hasani
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XML Empathy and emotional intelligence impairments in non-clinical psychopathy
mohammad reza khodabakhsh, fariba kiani *
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XML The Effectiveness of Group Logotherapy on the hope to life of the Miyaneh School Teachers
fariba moosavi *
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XML The mediating role of hope on the relationship between neuroticism and extraversion factors and quality of life in dialysis patients.
elham nezamipour *, hasan ahadi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)   |   Full Text(HTML) ./files/site1/user_files_746ef7/html/Quality of life.htmI Full Text(HTML)
XML Effectiveness of attributive retraining on epileptic male children’s mental health
Saeid Abbasi *, Tahereh Najafi Fard, Abolfaz Pour Sadoghi, Saheb Yousefi, Athar Mohammadi Malek Abadi, Hosein Delavar Kasmaei
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)   |   Full Text(HTML) ./files/site1/user_files_746ef7/html/Epileptic male children’s mental health.htmI Full Text(HTML)
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