Introduction: The contributing factors of neural pressure and job stress exist in everyone’s life including heart diseases, high blood pressure, digestive diseases, neural and mental disorders, imbalance to make useful communications, absence and displacement, and increased wastes and accidents lead to job stress and burnout.
Purpose: Present research aimed to evaluate the role of resilience to reduce job stress and burnout among employees of Iranian workers in satellite project of Iran offshore Oil Company. The research tools were Maslesh Burnout Inventory (MBI), Connor- Davidson Resilience Scale and HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool. Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis were used for data analysis.
Results: The results indicated that the resilience has a negative and significant correlation with the components emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and total score of job burnout in terms of both frequency and severity while it has a positive and significant correlation to personal performance. Also, the resilience was shown to be negatively correlated with the components control, the colleague’s support, the manager’s support, communication, role, change and total score of job stress. In addition, there was a high correlation between subscales of job stress, as well.
Conclusion: The analysis results revealed that the resilience can predict 24% of variance of frequency and job burnout while it can predict 18% of job stress variance.