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Showing 2 results for Job Stress

Mrs Fariba Fatehi, Mr Morteza Mohammadi, Mrs Monireh Karimian, Mrs Mehrangiz Azmon, Mrs Hanieyh Shahabi, Mr Fardin Gharibi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Abstract Introduction: Job Stress is one of the types of stress that is directly related to job satisfaction and performance and is one of the factors affecting on health and safety. Including occupations that are dependent on the medical profession due to the responsibility of providing comfort and treatment of patients, affected by various stressful factors. This study aimed to identify job stressors in different parts nursing and midwifery staff of Besat Hospital of Sanandaj and their impacts on the Self-efficacy and their general health , was conducted. Materials and methods: In this cross - sectional study 176 employees working in the nursing and midwifery parts of Besat Hospital of Sanandaj that had the conditions for the study were formed research samples . method of sampling was census. Data collected by using of demographic questionnaire and standard questionnaire of general health (GHQ) and job stress in hospital (HSS) and General self efficacy questionnaire of Sherer. Data analysis by using of SPSS version 18, descriptive statistics and statistical tests including t - test , Analysis of variance one - sided and Pearson correlation analysis test were analyzed. Results: Results showed that the level of stress in studied individuals is higher than average. (101/8 out of 175 points) between stress and sex, marital status, shift work, education and employment, there was no significant difference but between the type of job the difference was statistically significant. (P <0/05). The average level of public health in studied individuals was 24/9 . The average level of efficacy in studied individuals was 39/9 . There was a significant relationship between job stress and general health and there was positive correlation between job stress with general health and job stress with self-efficacy and general health with self-efficacy. Conclusion: The level of stress in studied individuals was higher than average and nurses more than midwives. general health average of nurses and midwives was higher than the critical point and their self efficacy was higher than average. Intervention programs to prevent job stress and disorders in the general health status of nurses and midwives should be focus on reducing the working pressure, long shifts working and risk biological agents and physical factors.

Fereshteh Sardarzadeh, Masoume Jian Bagheri, Farahani Mashhadi Malake,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (12-2016)

Introduction: The contributing factors of neural pressure and job stress exist in everyone’s life including heart diseases, high blood pressure, digestive diseases, neural and mental disorders, imbalance to make useful communications, absence and displacement, and increased wastes and accidents lead to job stress and burnout.

Purpose: Present research aimed to evaluate the role of resilience to reduce job stress and burnout among employees of Iranian workers in satellite project of Iran offshore Oil Company. The research tools were Maslesh Burnout Inventory (MBI), Connor- Davidson Resilience Scale and HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool. Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis were used for data analysis.

Results: The results indicated that the resilience has a negative and significant correlation with the components emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and total score of job burnout in terms of both frequency and severity while it has a positive and significant correlation to personal performance. Also, the resilience was shown to be negatively correlated with the components control, the colleague’s support, the manager’s support, communication, role, change and total score of job stress. In addition, there was a high correlation between subscales of job stress, as well.

Conclusion: The analysis results revealed that the resilience can predict 24% of variance of frequency and job burnout while it can predict 18% of job stress variance.  

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