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Showing 1 results for Orgasm

Maryam Heravi, Afshin Salahian,
Volume 8, Issue 6 (1-2022)

Introduction: Sexual dysfunction is considered a common sexual problem affecting different aspects of life, and it seems to be rooted in individual's personality.
Aim: This paper aims to compare prevalence of sexual dysfunctions between those with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and healthy persons.
Method: This is a causal – comparative research. To do so, 700 males and females from Tehran City were screened in 2021, among them 120 persons were diagnosed with NPD and 41 persons were selected through convenience sampling as individuals with disorder. Data of 40 healthy persons were analyzed for comparative purposes. Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI3), Female Sexual Functions Index (FSFI) and International Index of Erectile Function (ILEF) were used. Data were analyzed by comparing two independent groups in SPSS, Version 26.
Results: In females, there were no significant differences in sexual function (t=1.011, P=0.320), moisture (t=0.537, P=0.595), orgasm (t=-0.539, P=0.594), sexual pleasure (t=0.164, P=0.871) and pain (t=0.999, P=0.327) between narcissists and healthy persons. Difference in sexuality (t=2.289, P<0.05) and arousal (t=2.107, P<0.05) in healthy persons was more significant than narcissists. Moreover, in males, the difference in sexual function (t=7.545, P<0.001), sexuality (t=12.871, P<0.001) and erection (t=4.832, P<0.001) in healthy persons was more significant than narcissists, and orgasm (t=-3.426, P<0. 01) in narcissists was less than in healthy persons. However, there was no significant difference between sexual pleasure in both groups (t=-0.866, P=0.393).
Conclusion: The results show that prevalence of sexual dysfunctions in narcissists is more than healthy persons. Therefore, it is recommended that counselors and psychologists consider personality traits in diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders.

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