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Showing 1 results for Married Couples

Fatemeh Alimohammadi, Ahmad Aghajani,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (9-2021)

Introduction: Quality of life includes important characteristics, one of which is the quality of marital life.
Aim: The present research aimed to predict quality of marital life based on couples commitment, and empathy.
Method: This is a descriptive- correlation study. The statistical population consisted of all married students of Islamic Azad University of Qom Branch in the academic year 2019-2020. In the form of a correlation research project, 160 students were selected as the research sample using multistage cluster sampling method. They completed Marital Quality Scale of Basbi et al (1995), Adams & Jones Marital Commitment Scale (1997) and Empathy Scale of Ghorbani et al (2010). Obtained data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis in SPSS-23 software.
Results: The results demonstrated that the quality of marital life is predictable based on the commitment of the couple (t=2.870, B=0.218, P<0.005) and there is a positive and significant correlation between these two variables. The quality of marital life is predictable based on the empathy of couples (t=3.849, B=0.292, P<0.001) and there is a positive and significant correlation between these two variables
Conclusion: The general conclusion was that the quality of marital life can be predicted based on the commitment and empathy of them. Therefore it is suggested that Couple- therapists should consider these variables and design appropriate programs, based on them, to improve the quality of life of couples.

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