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Showing 2 results for Hossian Nejad

Saeed Sadeghi Boroujerdi , Jamil Navkhasi, Ali Akbar Hossian Nejad, Zahra Shasavari,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry 2015)

Introduction: Undoubtedly, social and emotional abilities and competencies are the determinants factors and impact on the quality of social relationships and success in various spheres of life and career. Objective: This research investigates the relationship between emotional intelligence and sport orientation of male athletes of confrontational sports. Materials and Methods: The research methodology is measurement descriptive. Statistical population include all the higher male athletes of confrontational sports (Handball, Kungfo, Karate, Footstall, and Basketball) of Kurdistan this regard, 100 cases participated. Statistical methods include Freedman tests, Pierson coefficient and sampling structural equation modeling. Results: The result showed self-regulation and wining interest, frequent choice of these athlete emotional intelligence and sport orientation components, respectively. Clearly, there is direct/positive significant relationship between emotional intelligence and sport orientation. Also, emotional intelligence can predicts sport orientation. Conclusion: Based on the findings in this research emotional intelligence one of the most important determinants of sports orientation and the results show that increasing the ability of orientation of the sports setting and the emotional intelligence
Mr Ali Akbar Hossian Nejad, Kaveh Mirani,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry 2017)


Introduction: Identify efficient and capable coaches seeking talented and nurture them from the main Dghddhay Bashgah¬Ha football is football, especially in schools.

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-coaching sports and fitness perfectionism football schools in Kurdistan province

Method: A descriptive correlational school football coaches in Kurdistan province, which for all the 75 students were selected and statistical methods Kolmogorov - Smirnov, correlation and multiple linear regression on the surface p   0/05 used

Results: Emotional Intelligence in fitness with perfectionism-sports Artbat¬And Khvdkaramdy¬Mrbygry and components. Emotional intelligence also numerous coaches Coaches predict for efficacy and perfectionism.

Conclusion: Hypothesis testing showed emotional intelligence in self-coached sports coaches and sports component linked perfectionism. EI also for coaches predict efficacy and coaches is perfectionism. It turned out that educators have a higher emotional intelligence

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