Publishing Ethics

 | Post date: 2021/07/28 | 
Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, affiliate of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, is committed to applying the principles of ethics of psychological and psychiatric studies as well as the principles of ethics of medical studies to the journal articles. Adherence to this ethics by all executive agents of the journal, including the editor, judges, authors, and experts of the journal is necessary in order to achieve the highest quality of publication.
Ethical Duties and Commitments of Authors
• The corresponding author of the article is responsible for the scientific accuracy of the article, the protection of the rights of other authors and the order of authorship, and the authors are obliged to ensure the accuracy of the content of the articles. The publication of an article does not imply its confirmation by the journal.
• The submitted article should not have been previously published in any other journal. This must be clearly stated in the letter of commitment sent by the corresponding author.
• The submitted articles should be the result of the original research of the authors of the article, and any use of other individuals’ research should be mentioned in the article. The research must be performed accurately and the data must be reported correctly.
• Authors are obliged to inform the journal if at any time they notice any errors or inaccuracies in their article, correct it, or withdraw the article.
• If any unethical publishing and research behavior is ascertained at any stage of submission, judgment, edition, or publication of an article in the journal or afterwards, the journal has the right to take legal action.
According to the Declaration of Helsinki (DoH), patients’ identities should not be revealed in manuscripts or photographs.
• The corresponding author is responsible for scientific, ethical, and legal tasks (such as observing ethical codes, inserting the name and surname of researchers, data accuracy, etc.) of the articles.
• Conflict of Interest: Shenakht Scientific Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, which is published in affiliation with Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, is committed to implementing the recommendations of the ICMJE regarding the responsibilities of authors and conflict of interests. Authors are required to provide information about financial benefits or other benefits that have influenced the writing of the article when submitting their article, in addition to mentioning the sources of financial support for the article. It is also essential for authors to complete and sign the commitment form.
Ethical Duties and Obligations of Editors, Editor-in-Chief, and Members of the Editorial Board
• The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board of the journal are responsible for selecting the reviewers and accepting or rejecting an article after obtaining the opinion of the reviewers.
• The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board of the journal should be experts, and have numerous publications and a spirit of accountability, responsiveness, truth-seeking, fairness and impartiality, adherence to professional ethics, and respect for the rights of others. In addition, they should participate seriously and responsibly in achieving the goals of the journal and working toward its continuous improvement.
• The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board are expected to prepare a database of suitable reviewers for the journal and to update it regularly based on the performance of the reviewers.
• The editor-in-chief of the journal should welcome deep and reasoned judgments, prevent superficial and weak judgments, and deal with biased, unfounded, or derogatory judgments.
• The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board of the journal should take the necessary steps to record and archive the judging documents of the articles as scientific documents, and to keep the names of the reviewers of each article confidential.
• Decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles should be made on the basis of evaluating the expert opinions of the reviewers and assessing their accuracy, as well as sufficient scientific documentation and reasoning. Moreover, taste, and personal, professional, racial, religious, etc. opinions should not be allowed in it.
• The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board of the journal are responsible for promptly announcing the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the article to the corresponding author.
• The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board of the journal should keep all the information in the articles confidential and avoid sharing it and discussing its details with others.
• The editor-in-chief of the journal is obliged to promptly delete published articles in which the occurrence of “unethical publishing and research behavior” has been determined and to prevent the relevant indexing by providing clear information to readers and authorities.
• The editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board of the journal are obliged to review and print amendments quickly and to clearly inform the readers about the published articles in which errors have been found.
• The editor-in-chief and editorial board of the journal are expected to welcome the publication of reasonable and acceptable reviews of the published articles.
• The editor-in-chief and editorial board of the journal should constantly seek the views of the journal’s authors, readers, and reviewers with regards to the improvement of the journal’s publishing policies and its form and content quality.

Ethical Duties of the Journal Reviewers
• Immediately after reviewing the abstract, the selected reviewer should inform the editor-in-chief of the article of his/her decision to accept or reject the review. In addition, if the review is not accepted, the reviewer is expected to assist the editor-in-chief in selecting a replacement reviewer.
• The reviewer should be a professional in the subject area of the article and should not accept articles that are irrelevant to his/her field of expertise. The reviewer should also refrain from accepting articles the subject matter of which he/she has fundamental disagreement with and on which he/she may not be able to provide an unbiased judgment.
• Judging articles should be performed based on scientific documents and sufficient reasoning and applying taste, and personal, professional, racial, religious, etc. opinions should be avoided in judging articles.
• The reviewer should keep all information in the articles confidential, and avoid sharing it and discussing its details with others.
• The reviewer is not allowed to contact the authors directly in relation to the articles being judged. Any contact with the authors of the articles will be made only through the office of the journal.

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