Author Guidelines

 | Post date: 2017/08/10 | 
Article Writing Conditions

Original Articles
1. The article should include a title, and abstract, introduction, method, tools, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references sections. The text of the article should be in Persian and the abstract in both Persian and English.
2. The Persian abstract should include introduction, aim, method, results, conclusion, and keywords (minimum of 3 words and maximum of 6 words) and should not exceed 250 words.
3. The English abstract should include introduction, aim, method, results, conclusion, and keywords and should not exceed 250 words. Accurate translation and line-by-line matching of Persian and English titles and abstracts are also required.
4. The introduction includes a brief review of previous and background information, the need for the research, and hypotheses.
5. The method section should be written in such a way that other researchers can repeat the study in full detail. It is necessary that the authors in this section express how the “ethical standards are observed” such as confidentiality of information, satisfaction and willingness of subjects to participate in the study, and their right to choose to continue or discontinue participation in the intervention or answer the questionnaires. Moreover, the “study ethics code” for clinical trials, and the approval number and date of dissertations or research projects for non-clinical trials should be provided in this section.
6. According to the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, registration and display of ORCID is mandatory for all authors of articles in medical journals (
7. Before submitting for printing, the clinical trial articles should be registered on the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT) ( and their registration code should be sent along with the article.
8. The results should be presented in a way that can be analyzed by the reader of the article. Moreover, the minimum required number of tables, figures, and charts should be used (maximum: 3 to 5).
9. The discussion should be documented with the findings and whether or not they are consistent with previous studies and should be written based on the study objectives.
10. The conclusion should be briefly presented as a summary of the discussion and the limitations of the research should also be stated.
11. The acknowledgments must include the expression of appreciation of the desired individuals by the author and the name of the organization(s) supporting or sponsoring the study.
12. The content of the article should be taken from all the references mentioned in the References section of the article. Therefore, it is necessary for the author(s) to enter the selected content in the References section in the order they have observed and studied them.
13. Conflict of Interest: The Shenakht Scientific Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, which is published under the auspices of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, is committed to implementing the recommendations of the ICMJE regarding the responsibilities of authors (Conflict of Interest). Authors are required to provide information about financial benefits or other benefits that have influenced the writing of the article when submitting their article; they must also state the sources of financial support for the article. It is essential for authors to complete and sign a potential conflict of interest declaration form.
14. The references should be presented according to the latest version of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). For Books, the author’s (authors’) surname, acronym of the first name, year of publication (in parentheses), full title of the book, publisher, and place of publication are presented, and for articles, the author’s (authors’) surname, acronym of the first name, year of publication (in parentheses), full title of the article, name of the journal, the year or number of the issue of the journal, and number of its pages are presented, respectively. In the text of the article, the references should be presented based on the APA method or the conventional method of this journal, and the Latin names of foreign authors should be footnoted for the first reference in the text of the article.

Belfer ML, Bakhshayesh A, Dehghani F.  (2008). Child and adolescent mental disorders: the magnitude of the problem across theglobe. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49(3), 226-236.
Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. (1955). Hypertension and strok. IN: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, Editors. Hypertension: pathophysioloy diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven press, 456-710.
Kimura J, Shibasaki H. (1955). Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology. 15-19, Kyoto, Japan.

Review Articles
Only articles with author(s) who are experts in the relevant field and have mentioned their articles in the list of references will be accepted. The general principles of writing are similar to other research articles.

Case Reports
Rare or interesting case reports will be published; they should include an abstract and introduction, and case report, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references sections, and should not exceed 2,000 words.

Letter to the Editor in Chief
The letter can be in the form of presentation of scientific observations or a critique of one of the articles published in this journal and can be written as a short discussion, along with a list of references.

Article Review for the Author
A review of the article will be sent to the corresponding author and will be published in the journal along with the response.

Article Submission Conditions
• The article should not have been previously published or submitted to another publication at the same time. At the time of acceptance of the article for publication, the copyright for publication of the article is transferred to this journal and printing of the text, figures, diagrams, and tables can be performed only with the permission of the publisher.
• The article must be typed in Word software in Persian with B Zar font in size 13 and line spacing in between and in English with Times New Roman font in size 12, on A4 paper, with a margin of 3 cm on all 4 sides, and in 1 column. Figures, diagrams, and tables must be prepared in the text of the article with captions, and all of them must be referenced.
• The Persian title must be written in B Zar font and the English title in Times New Roman font, both in font size 14 and bold font.
• In the file with the name of the article, the full names and details of all authors must be written on the first page with Persian in B Zar font and English in Times New Roman font and both in font size 12.
• The first page must include first the Persian abstract and keywords (size 12), and then, the English abstract and keywords (size 12).
• References must be written at the end of the main text in English in font size 12.
• Due to the fact that reviews are performed as double-blind review, only the file without the name of the authors of the article is sent to the reviewers, and thus, it is necessary to correctly upload the 3 main and necessary files of the article (including the authorship commitment form, the file with the authors name, and the file without the authors name), otherwise the article will not be sent for review.
• The names of the author(s) should be included with their affiliation (academic rank, department, university, city, country) in Persian and English and ORCID code.
• The Persian text prepared for the article must be thoroughly reviewed and controlled by the authors before sending and registering in the journal system in terms of full compliance with the journal template and editorial principles (correct spelling of words, spacing of words and letters, and other punctuation marks). Existing auxiliary software such as the editor software can also be used to control the observance of editing principles.
Note: If the format and editing of the article text is not controlled by the authors and the number of punctuation errors in the text of the article is high, the journal will refuse to accept and send the article for review and it will be returned to the authors.
• Articles should be written in fluent Persian and the use of foreign words that have a suitable Persian equivalent should be avoided and their Latin equivalents should be written in the footnote.
• If the article has already been presented at a scientific conference, it is necessary to mention the full details of the conference and how it was presented (poster/lecture).
According to the Declaration of Helsinki (DoH), patients’ identities should not be reported in writings or photographs.
• The corresponding author is responsible for scientific, ethical, and legal matters (such as observance of ethical codes, insertion of the names and surnames of the researchers, the accuracy of the data, etc.) of the articles.
• After receiving and announcing it on the site, the article will be reviewed by the editor-in-chief and experts of the journal in terms of compliance with the article writing pattern and the quality and innovation of the topic, and will be sent for the review after the initial approval.
Instructions for Making Corrections and Responding to the Comments of the Editorial Board and the Jury
• In case of requesting of corrections for the article by the editorial board of the journal or the reviewers, the authors of the article are obliged to apply corrections to the article or provide an appropriate response within a maximum period of 7 to 10 working days. The article will be removed from the review process if the appropriate response or edited files are not uploaded to the system within the specified time.
• In case of requesting corrections, the authors of the article should provide an appropriate response to each of the correction clauses requested by the editorial board or each of the reviewers in a separate word or pdf file entitled response to reviewer comments. In this file, they should provide answers to each paragraph of the amendment request separately and exactly under the same question or request, and number each response. When re-submitting the edited article to the system, the response to reviewer comments file should be attached to the main files of the article. The option to attach and upload the attachments is available in the form of a folder-shaped link and under the name of attachments, under the article specification and editing line in the user’s personal profile.
• In addition to uploading the response to reviewer comments file in the system, the corrections applied by the authors in response to the editorial board or reviewer comments in the article should be highlighted in both the main article file and the file without the authors’ names (marked in yellow for one reviewer or several different colors for several reviewers). Both Word files must be reloaded in place of the previous files. Depending on the number of times corrections are requested, name the two files as the Main File of the Article Correction 1, 2, 3, ..., and the File without the Authors Names Correction 1, 2, 3, ... .
• After the corrections are made by the authors of the articles and approved by the reviewers and the editorial board of the journal, the articles will be posted on the journal’s site in the order of date. Only at this stage and until the final publication of the article in the journal, the certificate of acceptance of the article can be obtained through correspondence with the journal office or directly from the journal system and in the user profile (corresponding author).
• The author/authors must pledge that their research study complies with the rules of their institute/institutes and the generally accepted guidelines for doing such work, does not infringe any existing copyrights or the rights of others, and it does not contain ugly, inappropriate, defamatory, or illegal content in any form.

*The received articles will not be returned and the journal office is free to reject, amend, and edit the published articles.

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