Volume 3, Issue 1 (Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry 2016)                   Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry 2016, 3(1): 12-25 | Back to browse issues page

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hemmati sabet A, navabi nejad S, khalatbari J. Compare of effectiveness schema therapy and group cognitive therapy to reduce depression, anxiety and perceived stress women. Shenakht Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry 2016; 3 (1) :12-25
URL: http://shenakht.muk.ac.ir/article-1-190-en.html
1- Department of counseling, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Professor ,phD in Counseling , Kharazmi University ,Tehran Iran , navabinejad93@gmail.com
3- Professor ,phD of psychology ,Islamic Azad University ,Tonekabon ,Iran
Abstract:   (5884 Views)

Background: Given that drug treatment for depression, anxiety and stress. So just sign axis of schema therapy and group cognitive therapy to reduce depression, anxiety and perceived stress women with high-risk behavior patrons use was.

Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study with single-stage cluster sampling method. The population of 500 individuals attending women with a history of sexual risk behavior for HIV testing that went to the center of the age range 20 to 60 years and have a diploma to high levels by psychology and medicine diagnostic interview, the use of formula sample of 250 randomly selected and depression, anxiety, stress (DASS, Lovibond, P.F. Lovibond, 1995) was conducted.

85 clients of depression, anxiety, stress were detected, of which 45 people were selected randomly in three groups of 15 people, including two experimental groups and one control group underwent 12 sessions of cognitive therapy and 12 sessions schema therapy was conducted at the time of each session was 90 minutes. At the end of the training period, all groups are re-test

Findings: The results of analysis of covariance showed that after adjusting for pretest scores between the three groups in mean scores were statistically significant
 F (1,39) = 54/125 p< 0/01

Also check averages adjusted to show the effectiveness of schema therapy than in cognitive therapy group.

Conclusion: The results showed that schema therapy than in cognitive therapy on depression, anxiety and perceived stress female clients with high-risk behavior is more effective

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/04/8 | Accepted: 2016/06/12 | Published: 2016/06/12

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